慢性胃炎の癒し Helicobacter pylori, Gastritis








5日間除菌薬服用をする。2ヶ月後に検査するも除菌されず、2回目のピロリ除菌のため予約する。6ヶ月後に2回目の検査する。 検査結果は除菌されていません。1回目も2回目も変化ない状態でした。3回目のピロリ除菌すすめられました。医者からは3回しても除菌されなければ専門外来に行くようにすすめられました。




Name:  M.M

Name of Illness:  Helicobacter pylori, Gastritis

Duration:  Chronic

Date Healed:  May 23, 2016


An optional health examination was available for the H. Pylori bacteria, so I decided to take the test. The result was positive. I took medication to eradicate the bacteria for five days. After six months, I took the test again.  The second test was the same as the first, positive for H. Pylori. I was advised to take the test again for the third time, and was told by the doctor that if it wasn’t eradicated on the third try, I would need to go to a specialist. During the healing ministry after the church service, a J-Style member called out a word of knowledge, “feeling nauseous after eating.” That was me, and I went and received a short prayer. I went for testing the third time.  “Let’s check one more time,” the doctor said. After testing, the result came back negative (0), no sign of H. Pylori. I was glad that I received prayer before the examination.  It is all the glory of God. Thank you to the two J-Style members who interceded for me.  Hallelujah.