左膝の半月板に傷が付き軟骨がすり減っている Left meniscus injury



病歴: 2~3ヵ月前から


診断書: なし




Name: U.E

Name of Illness: Left meniscus injury

Duration: about 2 to 3 months ago

Date Healed: June 25th, 2022

Doctor Certification: None


Around the beginning of June, I started feeling little pain in my left knee. On June 20th, I went to hospital to take MRI, and it was found that there was bit of injury in the left meniscus, and the cartilage was thinning. I took hyaluronic acid injection and medicine, but it didn’t recover much at all. On July 25th, on our cell meeting, our brother and sister and Pastor Jerry put their hand on my left knee and prayed for me. I felt my left knee become warm and healed, so I tried walking. I was able to walk normally! After that, I twisted my leg while doing farmwork and my left knee started hurting again, but I believe the day I will be completely healed is soon. Thank you Lord!