


English Below






使徒の働き 4章29~30節
聖書 新改訳2017©2017新日本聖書刊行会




God bless you!

牧師 伊藤 うんにょん

★ Information about Sunday service on March 15th ★

The government announced that we should keep not to have a event that has many people last night.
Based on this, the ICF Church has decided to have Internet service on the 15th in consideration of the safety of its members.

We ask each family to have time to worship and praise God.
Now we can’t worship together in church but we pray that God’s grace and blessing will be poured out to those who worship in each family!

And we will keep Inform you on future services and ministries.

Finally, we want to share the Bible passage from last week’s message.
Acts 4: 29-30
Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.
Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

I pray that Jesus’ name will free and heal people with illnesses and problems!
Also I pray that the Lord who works together will use us.
And I pray to all the members of the ICF Church and everyone who watches ICFTV for God’s blessing.

God bless you!
ICF Church
Rev. Ito Eunyong