家族の癒し Healing of the whole family






Name: C


This is testimony of my daughter, mother, and I getting healed.


My child is eighteen years old this year, but three years ago when she was fifteen, she started having strange disease. The symptom was that she didn’t feel well, and had sudden convulsion once in a while. We tried out anything we could, but we couldn’t find out why this was happening. This once happened front of a doctor in medical examination, and it was to a point that the doctor suspected the use of drug. Last year May, being led by my sister in law, we went to church in Dalian city. With prayer of Pastor and member’s fasting and prayer, my daughter was healed. I still didn’t believe in Jesus because I thought it was just a coincidence. I have been having problem with sleep paralysis since last spring, and I had severe sleeping problem. Being led my sister in law, I accepted Jesus and had prayer for salvation. Situation got better, but it was not to a point I was completely healed. Last August, I came to Sapporo, and attended Chinese Bible Study. Through everyone’s prayer, I was able to sleep well from the next day, and I was completely healed. I started going to church on Wednesday for the meeting, did Bible Study, and I became baptised this March. In the middle of those days, I was praying for my daughter’s salvation. God heard my prayer, my daughter started going to church, and was saved. My mother who was going around the hospital for my daughter, believed in Buddha. She knew the situation with my daughter; so she said if there was any God that could heal my daughter, I would believe in that God. Seeing my daughter being healed and her life being changed, my mother threw away all the statues she had, and started going to church every week more passionate than us. This August, my mother and my daughter got baptised, and God healed my mother’s body too. Three years ago, she was told from a doctor she had interstitial pneumonia, but the doctor said that was completely healed. To God who gave us much blessing and healing, Praise God! Hallelujah!

躁鬱病 Bipolar Disorder


病名: 躁鬱病

病歴: 15年前





Name: S.M

Name of Illness: Bipolar Disorder

Duration: 15 years

Date Healed: August, 2021


15 years ago in spring, I was diagnosed as bipolar disorder. I had days full of suffering and pain. Dullness and days I couldn’t get myself to get up increased, and I thought I would never be back to happy and cheerful days I used to have. In the middle of those days, my middle school friend texted me about church, and said “Do you have any interest in Christianity? If so, I would introduce you to this church called ICF Chruch.” I immediately searched online, and I figured that it was only 7 minutes away with walking from where I was living from. I went to ICF church on their Christmas Party. I accepted Jesus and was saved. After that, I started going to Sunday services, started taking man to man Bible study, and got baptised. However, my sickness didn’t get much better, and I told Pastor Jerry that “I have bipolar disorder, and I don’t feel well.” He prayed for me, and after that, I felt peace in my heart, and felt much better. I started having more tasks in job, and it got to a point that I was able to work again. Then, my body felt so much better, no longer having dullness, lack of will to do things, and I was able to sleep well in nights. I saw that situation, and I went to hospital about two months after that. The doctor who was watching my symptoms for fifteen years said “Something very strange happened, your disease is cured. You no longer need to take pills. I am very happy about it.” Doctor started crying, and I also cried too. For fifteen years, I felt worries without those medicines. Jesus worked miracle. From 15 years of long suffering days, Jesus brought back those days I was happy and cheerful. It’s been two years since I became Christian, but Jesus showed me a miracle of being able to work fine and having complete healing for bipolar disorder. I will continue to thank Him, and love Him. Jesus, thank you so much! Those of you who have depression or any diseases that is hard to be cured, have hope and pray to Jesus. I can say that He will work miracle in your life.

風邪 cold


病名: 風邪



診断書: なし




Name: Y.K

Name of Illness: Cold


Date Healed: August 29th, 2021 (Healing service)

Doctor Certification: None


From night of August 15th, I started coughing, and took two medicine. For the service on 22nd, I was in my bed. On that day, church member was praying for me, and I was coughing less and I didn’t have to take medicine also. After that, I had busy days in a row, and my throat got worse, had coughs and some discomfort between my breasts, breathing became harder, and I became sick. I was prayed for on healing service, and instantly my throat became better. I was told to let some voice out, and I was able to say “ah~” and I no longer had breathing problem. Hallelujah! Praise God.