右足関節外果骨折(右くるぶし骨折) Lateral malleolar fracture (right ankle fracture)





診断書: なし




Name: M.K

Name of Illness: Lateral malleolar fracture (right ankle fracture)


Date Healed: May, 2022

Doctor Certification: None


I had a surgury over ankle fracture, and in surgury, they fixed the bone where it was supposed to be. There was crack in heel, but they said you have to let it heal naturally. The surgury was successful, but my leg was all swollen so I had to live in wheelchairs. I always had swelling around the tip of my right toe, and it was always cold. Even after I took off fracture fixator, my leg was all hardened, had numbness when I stood up, and I wasn’t able to sleep because of the coldness in my foot. I asked my cell group member to pray for me, and pastor Eunyoung put her hand on my foot and prayed for me. I felt “her hand is really warm”, but even after she took off her hand, the warmness continued, and numbness went away, to the point I was able to feel my feet back again. I didn’t feel the tingling that I used to feel when I walked. On Sunday, when Brian and Pastor Jerry prayed for me, my ankle was softened. When I went to the hospital two days after, the doctor saw the x-ray and said “the crack is gone” and seeing my ankle being softened, “Since you can move the ankle around, we only need to check up once a month instead of once a week. (normally, they don’t do this). I think we can stop checking by next month. I didn’t expect this quick of a recovery.” The rehabilitation therapist were surprised saying, “Wow, the swell is gone suddenly.” “You can now bend your ankle!” At my house, I no longer have to use cane to walk, do housework with no problem, and I can go upstairs. Thank you Jesus!

尾骶骨の痛み Pain in tailbone

氏名:Mさん                 (代筆:K.Y)




診断書: なし




Name: M

Name of Illness: Pain in tailbone


Date Healed: May, 2022

Doctor Certification: None


Around the end of April, my mother fell from her bottom, and wasn’t able to move because of the pain. She barely made it to second floor and went in bed, but she said her tailbone was hurting like ‘it was burning’, and couldn’t move at all. Six days from then on, the pain didin’t cease, and even going to bathroom was a huge deal. Because the pain didn’t decrease at all, our family thought that might be because of fracture. However she was in quarentine due to corona. We couldn’t go to the hospital, she didn’t want to eat because of pain, and we told her to at least drink to not be dehydrated, but she was always not willing because she didn’t want to go to bathroom. In the middle of all those things, I received a message from one church member, and I requested her to pray for my mother’s healing. After an hour, my mother came downstairs and said “It’s not hurting anymore!” When I told her about the church member praying for her, she surprisingly said “What? Can that be real??” The pain didn’t decrease little by little, or she was able to walk little by little, but it was in an instant, that her severe pain went away. She is now back to normal, and she is able to go walking and do housework. This experience, surely made her realise that God is a healer. Hallelujah! God is good!

飛蚊症、目のかすみ  Eye floater, Blurry eyes


病名:目のかすみ ・飛蚊症

病歴: 10年程前から


診断書: なし




Name: Y.K

Name of Illness: Eye floater, Blurry eyes

Duration: From about 10years

Date Healed: May 29th, 2022 (Healing service)

Doctor Certification: None


About ten years ago on my medical check up, I had high intracular pressure, so I went to the eye doctor to get it checked up. Intracular pressure was okay, but the doctor told me that I had cataract, so he told me to get it checked. I didn’t have to, however. Eventually my eyes started blurring, and it was hard to read my Bible. I was very worried, but I went to healing service to receive prayer. After I went back home and started reading a book, my eyes were no longer blurring, and I was able to see clearly. My eye floater went away too! Hallelujah!