


English Below





🔴 献金についてお知らせです。


スクリーンショット 2020-05-08 14.35.39 スクリーンショット 2020-05-08 14.33.31


インターナショナル クリスチャン フェローシップ

記号: 19050
番号: 479181

店名: 九〇八(読み・・・キュウゼロハチ)
店番: 908
預金種目: 普通預金
口座番号: 0047918

「インターナショナル クリスチャン フェローシップ」


北洋銀行 石山通支店
普通 3697389
インターナショナル・クリスチャン・フェローシップ プール金
代表役員 ジャンセン・ジェリー・クリストファー



ICF教会 メール   icf@icfire.com



最後に最近私が特に大好きな賛美はWay makerと言う賛美の歌詞を分かち合います。

道を作り 奇跡起こし 約束を守られる 主をそれはあなた
道を作り 奇跡起こし 暗闇を照らされる 主をそれはあなた
心触れてくれる あなたをあがめる
心を癒される あなたをあがめる

人生 変える神 あなたをあがめる
心 癒す神 あなたをあがめる それがあなた

この目に見えない時も 感じられない時も
働いておられる主 それはあなた


God bless you!

牧師 伊藤 うんにょん

✳️ Information about upcoming Friday prayer meetings and Sunday services.

🔴 Until May 6th, there will only be an online prayer meeting and Sunday service.

I praise the name of the Lord.
How are you all?

While the “Emergency Declaration” was issued, and the government has requested to refrain from going out until May 6,
For your safety, the church will hold a prayer meeting and Sunday service on the Internet for a while.
Friday prayer meeting on April 24th and May 1st (8:15 pm-) and Sunday service on April 26th and May 3rd (10:30 am-) will be live streaming on internet.
Please have your service on ICFTV with your family.

The tuesday bible study is canceld too on April 28th and May 5th.

We will be having services on the Internet for a while, but we pray that in each place, you can worship god, pray, and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
I pray for the end of coronavirus as soon as possible.
I pray that the day will soon come when we will come together, praise, pray, and worship the Lord.
I pray that you can protect in each place.
We cannot be in the same place right now, but we thank the Lord for being with us.
Thank you for the wonderful Lord!
🔴 Information about donation.
We have received inquiries from people who are unable to make donations due to service on the Internet, and inquiries from the Corona Disaster Fund.
I thank for those who have already sent donation.
We are supporting people who are in difficult due to the effects of corona.
Thank you for helping each other.

Now, people who want to donate can now donate online besides the transfer.

🔹 how to donate online
You can donate from the following sites.
As with transfer, please be careful when entering the amount.

🔹 How to donate on bank
(1) If you would like to send a tithe, please transfer it to the following “Yucho” account.
* If you would like to send the corona disaster fund, please send an email to the ICF Church.
If you enter the name and amount of money after setting the subject to “Corona Disaster Fund”, it will help us.

Japan Post Bank general account
International Christian Fellowship

1. When transferring from Japan Post Bank
Symbol: 19050
Number: 479181

2. When transferring from another financial institution (including net banks)
Japan Post Bank: 九〇八(read: Kyu Zero hachi)
Bank number: 908
Deposit type: Ordinary deposit
Account number: 0047918

* Make sure the name is “International Christian Fellowship”

🔹Please use the account above for tithing.
* If you are going to donate for the corona disaster fund using this tithing account or want a portion of the money to go to the fund please send an e-mail to ICF Church.
Please write your name and “Corona Disaster Fund” and enter the amount so that we can separate your donation from your tithe.

②If you want to send a donation for the Corona Disaster Fund only, please send it to the following
“Hokuyo Bank”
“Corona Disaster Fund”

Hokuyo Bank
Ishiyamadori Branch
Normal 3697389
International Christian Fellowship Pool
Representative Director
Jantzen Jerry Christopher

Please write your name and “Corona Disaster Fund” in an email to the church after sending your donation.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

🔴Praise Team, PA, and Media Team can park your car in the parking lot of the church.

🔴 There is no shuttle bus service as it is an Internet service.

Lastly, i want to share my recent favorite worship song, Way maker.


🔴 Thanks to the Lord for working with us, even when we don’t feel.
Although it is an Internet service for a while, I pray that the Holy Spirit will work together.

God bless you!

ICF Church
Pastor Ito Eunyoung




English Below


ハレルヤ! 主の御名を賛美します。

🔴19日 日曜礼拝はインターネット礼拝です。



🔴 献金について先週に続きお知らせです。


インターナショナル クリスチャン フェローシップ

記号: 19050
番号: 479181

店名: 九〇八(読み・・・キュウゼロハチ)
店番: 908
預金種目: 普通預金
口座番号: 0047918

「インターナショナル クリスチャン フェローシップ」


北洋銀行 石山通支店
普通 3697389
インターナショナル・クリスチャン・フェローシップ プール金
代表役員 ジャンセン・ジェリー・クリストファー


ICF教会 メール   icf@icfire.com

🔴礼拝がインターネットになります。教会には奉仕者は来ますが、教会員の皆様は家でご家族で礼拝の時を持って下さいますようにお願いします。まだイエス様をご存知でないご家族がいらっしゃれば一緒にICF TVを観て下さい!



救いの主の愛が皆様に注がれますように! God bless you!

牧師 伊藤 うんにょん



*Sunday Service on April 19th is an Internet service

Yesterday (the evening of April 16th),
the Japanese government issued an “Emergency Declaration” to the whole country.
Now, various measures are being taken to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
At the same time, I would like to express my appreciation for the precious work of many medical staff working in the medical field.
I pray that the Japanese people whom God loves will be quickly restored.
I pray that the Lord’s hand will be with you where God needs help!
🔴19th sunday service 10: 30〜
Please watch the ICFTV on the website.

* There is no service at 1:30 pm.
Live broadcast is only at 10:30 am.

🔴Information about Offerings:
We have received inquiry’s from people who have not been able to participate in church services recently, so we will inform you about the offering.
①If you want to send a donation, please transfer it to the following accounts.

Japan Post Bank general account
International Christian Fellowship

1. When transferring from Japan Post Bank
Symbol: 19050
Number: 479181

2. When transferring from another financial institution (including net banks)
Bank name: 九〇八(read: Kyu Zero hachi)
Bank number: 908
Deposit type: Ordinary deposit
Account number: 0047918

* Make sure the name is “International Christian Fellowship”

🔹Please use the account above for tithing.
* If you are going to donate for the corona disaster fund using this tithing account or want a portion of the money to go to the fund please send an e-mail to ICF Church.
Please write your name and “Corona Disaster Fund” and enter the amount so that we can separate your donation from your tithe.

②If you want to send a donation for the Corona Disaster Fund only, please send it to the following
“Hokuyo Bank”
“Corona Disaster Fund”

Hokuyo Bank
Ishiyamadori Branch
Normal 3697389
International Christian Fellowship Pool
Representative Director
Jantzen Jerry Christopher

Please write your name and “Corona Disaster Fund” in an email to the church after sending your donation.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

ICF Church email

🔴Service is on the Internet only.
We ask members of the church to have their service at home and with their families.
If you have a family member that doesn’t know Jesus yet, watch ICFTV together!
Bless you!

🔴The shuttle bus does not operate on the 19th.
Those serving on the ministry teams can park in the church parking lot.

🔴We will contact you about the later Sunday service at a later date. Thank you.
Please check the ICF homepage and Facebook.
I pray that God bless you all.
I pray that many people will meet Jesus during this time to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.
May the Savior’s love be poured out on you! God bless you!

ICF Church
Rev. Ito Eunyoung